Energy healing

A one-of-a-kind experience to align mind-body-spirit
IN Support OF YOUR most vibrant, HEALTHY life!

Intuitive Reading + Channeled Healings in a Himalayan Salt Room at Citrine Wellness Center, in the Heart of Marin County.

Hands-on Healing Session using the high frequency energy of the salt room to
support your optimal health and wellness.

Divine Healing Experience

Integrate Mind + Body + Spirit

Sessions help you quiet the mind, soothe the nervous system, and heal physical or emotional imbalances. The healing amplifies your inner wisdom and truth to provide deeper understanding, clarity, and peace.


  • Generate Sense of Well-Being

  • Reduce Stress + Regulate Emotional Body

  • Heal Physical Pain and Trauma

  • Access Inner Truth + Wisdom for Aligned Action

  • Renew Grounding, Presence + Connection

  • Experience Compassion, Gratitude + Forgiveness



Beginning with your intention, you and Christine discuss what is working for you and what areas you would like healing/assistance with. Discuss the connection between the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies and how your experiences may be manifesting in all areas of your life. Christine will then do a card reading to reveal insights that you may need to know regarding your intention and the focus for your healing. She does a reading on the card draw, discusses meaning and application to your situation and how she can focus her hands on session to support you taking your next steps easily and optimally. 


You move into the Himalayan Salt Room at Citrine where you find comfort on the laying face up or down on the massage table. You are laying on a crystal bed, fully clothed in comfortable clothing, and are covered for warmth as you take in smoothly, high vibrational sound and aromatherapy medicines. Your hands on healing begins as Christine is guided where in the body is asking for healing and integration. You are in full dialogue during your session as you stay in a relaxed, yet alert state to stay in consciousness around the changes, movements, and healing your body and spirit are making. 

You conclude with any insights and information that Christine gathered from your session and if called, you make another appointment for a longer session to go deeper into the work.

suggestions to prepare for your session

A safe space and container is being held for you as you are naturally whole. We will be simply reminding you of this.

Set an Intention: Think about what you'd like to focus your healing on. What would be something you would like clarity around or freedom from. (HINT: it’s the thing that keeps your mind occupied most).

Come with an open heart, an open mind, and an open will to release what is ready and to receive deeper wisdom that resides inside.

Wear comfortable clothing such sweats, yoga pants and socks. You will be laying on a massage table covered in a crystal bed, and then surrounded in a blanket for warmth.

Your healing continues for 24-48 hours post your sessions. Plan quiet time immediately after your session, eat a nourishing meal, drink plenty of water. Plan for space to integrate your healing with rest, spending time in nature, nurturing yourself, and sleeping are recommended to integrate and advance the healing.

For any questions, please feel free to email me:

Christine Hildebrand is a Business Strategist, Conscious Leadership Coach, and Intuitive Healer. Born with clairvoyant and clairaudient capabilities, she cut off her connection and gifts from ages 10-37. For the past 20 years, Christine has been on a journey to regain her  truth, meaning, and purpose in her life and has dedicated her work to empowering women, leaders, and companies to see beyond limitations of thought, ego, and the material world, combining Consciousness + Strategy to generate growth, value and fulfillment. She supports Fortune 500 companies, executive and entrepreneurial leaders, and privately 1:1 with clients.

Christine is a Master Certified Spirit Coach®, meditation teacher, ordained minister, and intuitive healer, certified somatic and ICF certified leadership coach (2024), and Founder/CEO of Cofinity Consulting, LLC.

Photography by the brilliant Heidi and Tara at In Her Image Photography