How conscious is your decision making?
Most of us don’t give much thought to how we make decisions.
If so, you might be alarmed to learn that 70-90% of our choices are actually done unconsciously with minimal cognitive effort and quick judgments based on gut feelings and automatic responses.
This data point is from Daniel Kahneman’s book, Thinking, Fast and Slow where his research outlined 2 systems of decision making: System 1 - Unconscious and; System 2 - Conscious Decision Making. [Read more details about this below.]
Are we really aware of all the things that influence our unconscious which affects our decision making, behavior, and reality?
Becoming more aware of why we have certain preferences, what conditioning and programming influences our unconscious reactions and choices is important to uncover individually as leaders and collectively as companies so we can make more empowered choices and; therefore, have a greater chance of our outcomes reflecting our values and what we truly care about.
At Cofinity, we help leaders activate consciousness and apply this awareness to decision making, teamwork, communication, and the overall work experience. We do this through strategic planning, leadership team workshops, coaching, and team retreats.
SCHEDULE A CALL to learn more about how you can use these insights to improve your team’s decision making.
A great way to begin to understand unconscious decision making is to become more aware of our 4 brains. Are you regularly checking in with all levels of your intelligence when making important and simple decisions. Are your decisions coming from a place of authenticity and truth.
Cofinity's 4-Brain Pathway to Consciousness
When we align all 4 of our brains: our gut (intuition), our hearts, our analytical mind, and our consciousness, toward visioning or decision making, the outcomes simply come from a greater space of truth. We are more empowered with information to make decisions from a more informed space resulting in better outcomes all around.
Understanding Conscious and Unconscious Decision-Making
Decision-making is a complex process that involves both conscious and unconscious elements. Research in cognitive science and psychology reveals that our decisions are influenced by two distinct but interconnected systems: System 1 - Unconscious, and System 2 - Conscious Decision Making
Daniel Kahneman’s research provides a comprehensive exploration of how System 1 and System 2 work. His research illustrates the dominance of System 1 in everyday decisions and the importance of System 2 in more complex scenarios.
John Bargh's research on priming demonstrates how unconscious influences can affect our behavior without our explicit awareness, supporting the significant role of System 1 in decision-making.
In summary, decision-making involves a dynamic interplay between conscious and unconscious processes. System 1 handles the majority of our routine, automatic decisions, making up an estimated 70% to 90% of daily choices. System 2, though less frequently engaged, is crucial for complex, high-stakes decisions that require deliberate thought and analysis. Understanding the balance between these systems helps us appreciate the efficiency and limitations of our decision-making processes and underscores the importance of conscious reflection in making well-considered choices.
Dive into greater detail about decision making research here.
SCHEDULE A CALL to learn more about how you can use these insights improve your team’s decision making.
Dual-Process Theory
System 1: Unconscious Decision Making
Characteristics: Fast, automatic, and often unconscious. System 1 operates with minimal cognitive effort, relying on intuition and heuristics (mental shortcuts).
Function: Handles routine, everyday decisions such as choosing what to eat for breakfast or navigating familiar routes. It enables quick judgments and decisions based on gut feelings and automatic responses.
Prevalence: Research indicates that a significant majority of our daily decisions are governed by System 1. Estimates suggest that System 1 processes may account for 70% to 90% of our routine and immediate choices.
System 2: Conscious Decision Making
Characteristics: Slower, deliberate, and conscious. System 2 involves analytical thinking, reasoning, and more effortful cognitive processes.
Function: Engaged in complex decision-making tasks that require careful consideration, such as planning a career move or purchasing a house. It allows for in-depth analysis and evaluation of options.
Role: Although System 2 is crucial for handling complex decisions, it is used less frequently compared to System 1 due to its greater cognitive demand.
Research and Insights
Unconscious Decision-Making:
Priming and Automaticity: Studies have shown that unconscious processes significantly influence decision-making. For example, priming can subtly affect our choices by exposing us to certain cues without our conscious awareness. Automaticity allows us to make quick decisions based on established patterns and experiences.
Heuristics and Biases: Research by Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky highlights the role of heuristics in System 1 decision-making. While these mental shortcuts can be efficient, they can also lead to systematic biases and errors.
Conscious Reflection:
Deliberative Processing: System 2 processes are essential for decisions that involve new information, complex scenarios, or significant risks. Deliberate thinking allows us to assess long-term consequences and make more reasoned choices.
Impact of Reflection: When people are given time to reflect, their decisions tend to be more thoughtful and better aligned with their long-term goals. This reflective process helps counteract some of the biases associated with System 1.
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